Community in Modern Heathenry

I should probably be sleeping, but instead I am writing a new blog. (Nevermind all the ones in draft that have been sitting there for weeks because I am not satisfied with them yet.) I was adding nutrients and other ingredients to my mead tonight, and that is a fairly meditative task. It got me thinking a lot about community in heathenry. Community is such a big deal to heathenry and vital to heathen worldview. Despite this, how we see people in our heathen communities is so different from how the elder heathens would’ve seen people in their communities. There is so much division between modern people. It is the western mindset to be individuals and to think about self first. That wasn’t the case in heathenry historically. And it isn’t the case in many cultures around the world still today. In North America the idea of individuality is taken to a whole new extreme in mainstream culture. And even within heathenry, although it is more community-minded, it is difficult to shake off t...