
Showing posts from April, 2022

Sigrblót and Other Heathen Holidays Colouring Pages

I have been working on some colouring pages for the Heathen holidays Sigrblót, Midsummer, Winter Nights, and Jól. Just in time for Sigrblót! Please use them for your families or gatherings. All are free to use and share them for non-commercial purposes! For more Heathen resources for practicing Sigrblót with your family I recommend checking out fellow Canadian content creator, Jennifer Hartman at Pagan Kids! She has an excellent blog post about Sigrblót which I will link below. Further Reading "Sigrblót for the Family" by Jennifer Hartman Image Sources Images are my own and may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes.

Sigrblót in Modern and Traditional Heathenry

You may have read my last post on Sigrblót and Lunisolar Reckoning, if not you can find it [here] . It is not vital to understanding the following post, but if you are interested in the topic of Sigrblót already it might be of interest to you. Sigrblót has not really taken off as a Holy Day in modern Heathenry, oftentimes assuming that it is about Victory in raids and battles, but also most modern Heathens who do celebrate it tend to celebrate it as Victory over Winter. Both of these takes on the celebration probably historically had some truth, and I would add that we can perhaps learn even more about it by understanding the Lunisolar calendar in juxtaposition with the Gregorian Calendar and by examining modern folk traditions in Scandinavia. In modern Scandinavia the word “Sigrblót” is not one used for any Spring festivals. (I am using Spring here in the scientific sense of any dates between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice.) The closest link we have to Sigrblót in modern

Sigrblót and Lunisolar Reckoning

I was recently talking about Spring traditions in Modern Heathenry with some other Heathens from different regions. One of them had a question about lunisolar reckoning and I stepped up to answer it, since that is what I use in my own practice. In the process it came out that I celebrate Sigrblót but not the Vernal Equinox. This prompted a question I was not prepared for, which was, “What do you celebrate instead of Ostara?” My mind did a slight cartwheel, “...instead of?” It didn’t seem to me that I required a replacement for this holiday to make my practice meaningful.  Let me be clear, I do recognize the Vernal Equinox as a scientifically significant date. I just don’t perform ritual around this date. Lots of Heathens do celebrate Ostara or some other incarnation of the Vernal Equinox, and that is perfectly fine too. I don’t expect anyone to copy my practice. I don’t have the answers any more than the next person. The important bit is that your practice is meaningful to you. Now, th

Var, or Heathen Springtime

What is Var, and what does it have to do with Heathenry? Is there such a thing as the season of Spring in modern and historical Heathen practice? I want to explore these questions a bit further with you. Some modern Heathens follow a sort of wheel of the year model for reckoning seasons and holidays, so this lends itself to a 4 season year. Other Heathens tend to follow a more historically based lunisolar model. The majority of scholars seem to think this year model had 2 seasons. However, there is some evidence of a possible third season, called Var, which coincides with the modern concept of Spring. Now, I personally see the Heathen year as divided into 2 seasons, Summer and Winter. However, I think there is value in exploring the idea of Var, its history, etymology, and modern practice.  The three part year is described in Andreas Zautner’s The Lunisolar Year of the Germanic Peoples as follows: "From the bronze age and the early La Tene period we already have the first hints o