Freyja, Fire, Brísingamen, and Other Musings...

(Maybe not appropriate for children under 14, or whatever. That is up to your discretion.) What is Freyja’s association with fire, or does she have one at all? This is what I will (mostly) be exploring today in this blog, but there is a lot about Freyja to unpack, and honestly, it starts with just trying to clear up what exactly she is associated with in a more broad sense. If we let this narrative be told through a christian lens we would probably say that Freyja is the Nordic Aphrodite, the goddess of love (or lust?) and beauty. I take issue with this. At least insofar as that Freyja’s nature is much more complicated than just those elements. It seems like there is a lot of dismissiveness of the importance of goddesses in Nordic mythologies, and I attribute this largely to an attempt at erasure of the power of the feminine by the church. Most goddesses were minimalized, but Freyja, and Frigg, were too big to erase. Instead the tactic was to make Freyja appear as some lustful sorc...