Canadian Holidays, through a Heathen Lens

I was recently talking to someone in the USA about how they were trying to find the meaning in American holidays from a Heathen perspective. They were trying to be mindful of the colonial history of America and working to moving past that. It got me thinking about how that might look in Canada. Holidays about belonging to a nation or group of people, but how do we feel that sense of belonging when we are ourselves outside of the over-culture? How do we reconcile our shared colonial history as modern inclusive Heathens in Canada? If you are not familiar with Canadian Holidays, there are very few, and even less which are actually days off of work. Some days are provincially recognized only or have different names in different provinces even if they fall on the same day. The majority of days are either Christian or colonial in origin. So let’s take a look: Remembrance Day - November 11th This is a day to honour those who died in war, and honour veterans. What some people may not know is t...