Skaldic Storytelling and the Binding of Fenrir

Loki had been away from Asgard for some time. He had been with the Jötunn woman Angrboda. When he returned to Asgard to Odin's hall he had with him 3 children. There was Jormungandr, a great serpent. The gods saw him and were fearful. They cast him into the sea and there he grew ever longer until he wound his scaly body around the world. It was said that Jormungandr would defeat Thor at Ragnarok. The second child was Fenrir, a great Wolf. And again the gods had a foreboding, for they had heard that he would kill Odin at Ragnarok. Unlike Jormungandr, they wished to keep him close so they could keep an eye on him as he grew. But only Tyr was brave enough to go to him and be in his company. Only Tyr would bring him food and watch him tear the neat with his terrible teeth. The third child was a girl, Hel, who was beautiful and fair to look at until she turned her head, and then you saw into death. Odin felt pity for her, and was not as afraid of her as the other two. Still, he reasoned...